Top Boy Academy: [@Netflix] and [@NTSlive] Curate London’s Young People An Immersive Weekend Experience

Top Boy Academy: [@Netflix] and [@NTSlive] Curate London’s Young People An Immersive Weekend Experience

Are you aged between 16-25 with a passion for Music, TV or Film Industries? If so, you would be glad to know following the release of the series Topboy, Netflix and NTS Radio have partnered up for Top Boy Academy across the weekend of 28th and 29th September. The two-day programme will consist of workshop, conversations and demos. The aim of the programme is to provide an immersive experience into the three industries, from the likes of Top Boy stars Ashley Walters and Michael Ward; alongside music insiders from the extended NTS family.

There will be guidance for young Londoners on how to gain access into the entertainment industry, regardless of educational background. Talks with relatable roles models shall take place, giving attendees the motivation they need to take their passion to the next level. Across the weekend speakers shall include Director Jenn Nkiru and 1Xtra DJ and NTS alumni Tiffany Calver, both trailblazers within the industry. The workshops shall cover an array of topics, such as mastering a rap track and how best to get cast through film and TV auditions. NTS radio’s production team shall also be running a workshop on how to record a podcast series, alongside beginners DJ lessons hosted by Dalston’s HUB16.

Highlighted talks and speakers from the event will be recorded and released as podcasts on the NTS website, for those unable to attend in person.

All the talks and workshops are free but with limited capacity.

Tickets are NOW available on the Dice app HERE.